Mobile Web UX/ui

UX Product Design

UI/UX Design for The New York Times Subscription eCommerce Mobile Web App

Role: Advocated for a mobile first design approach to the UI UX. User research indicated that in 2012 mobile first User Interfaces were leading towards a positive User Experience. In fact user data from other brand products, namely email opens and site visits analytics pointed to a growing increase in the use of mobile devices opening pages and a corresponding higher bounce rate due to a lack of mobile friendly display including static text with inline coded text styling.

Suggested: A mobile friendly dynamic UI UX Design approach using CSS and Javascript to realign elements into a larger view with easily accessible interaction points. See rough mockups below.

Outcome: Management felt there was no need for mobile overlooking the data as mobile UI UX design was an emerging paradigm.

Result: Completion of the task as requested with minimal mobile display alterations. Minimal changes proved to be required as internal User Testing feedback expressed:

- frustrations with visibility
- pinch zoom required interaction to view on smaller devices
- slow loading of large uncompressed images that could have been replaced with vector icons

A compromise was met when this high fidelity mobile prototype was presented to management. There remained interactive issues as links were small and images were not allowed to be compressed for faster load time.

View Video Interaction Example:

Task: Minimal time was allotted for a full wireframe and mockup design session. Rather a prototype was coded during down time to showcase the the benefits of a mobile first design approach.
Uncontrollable Outcome: Management believed smaller screen should have small elements (EKKKS!

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